Monday, February 27, 2012

Tonight it was stir fry part 2 lol.  Again so good!  I have some pictures below. Later as I took the trash out, as I was walking back, I smelled something very good.  You know when you smell something good but your near home, not out on the city smelling nearby food cooking at various eateries.  And you are like, "damn which neighbor is cooking, that smells hella good!"  Well tonight it was me lol.  I think I found my calling.  The exciting part is its so fun to do and healthy.
 I remember as a kid my family doing stir-fry.  Maybe its the simple things that are right there for us as we go through life.  Anyhow I think my Grandpa and Grandma came down from Oregon, on my Dads side.  And with him he brought this thing that well we never had.  It wasnt new.  I just didn't and hadn't seen one before.  It was a shiny red enamel wok.  The paint job on the outside of this thing was sharper and brighter than any fancy car painted red that I had ever seen up to that day.  I expected it to have a convertible top and seats lol.  It was fancy.  I swear our kitchen had more light in it the first night it was used.  Was heaven possible to exist on your kitchen counter-top lol??So we stir fry'd for many days.  It felt like weeks but I am sure it was just a couple of days, after all my grandparents lived in Oregon (where i am now yay!) and we were in So. Calif, so its not like they stayed with us for more than a couple of days. Anyways, it was then.  My grandparents, my mom, my dad, my brother, and the star (just kidding) ME!  All together, in my kitchen, chopping veggies, heating up the wok, getting out plates-or maybe bowls I do not remember. lol. And who knows the specifics.  Its a memory, a memory filled of so many different and happy moments that you can't pin down specifics.  It's a memory overload of happiness.That time, those memories. It is one of many different happy times of my life. I am somehow not allowed to forget about them.  Thats ok!  I hold on to them all.  Put it all together and you get me, who I am. I smile to that.

Thursday I will get my first delivery of weekly produce from local farms to my door.  I can always adjust it to every other week, but I am excites so far for weekly deliveries.  Here is what I get this Thursday.  I peeked on the website lol.  Otherwise each week its different.  My bin I picked is the $33 small bin.  Mixture of fruits and veggies actually :)   (pictures of tonight's dinnah are below the veggie and fruit list)  Good night.

2 HoneyGold Grapefruit-Cali'
4+ sm. Fuji Apples-Local, farm direct*
4 Pears-Local, farm direct*
4 Murcott Tangerines-or- Blood Oranges-Cali'
1 Celery-Cali'
1 Cauliflower-Cali'
1 Bunch Carrots-Cali'
2lb. Potatoes-Local, farm direct*
1lb. Beets-Local, farm direct*
1 bunch Broccoli-Cali'
1 bunch Collard Greens-Local, farm direct*
1 bunch Chard-Local, farm direct*
2 Leeks-Local, farm direct*


Tonight's stir-fry :)

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